Monday, August 29, 2011

Beyonce Steals the Show With Pregnancy, Britney Lets Gaga Down Easy, and Chris Brown Has The Most "fly" Performance

Honestly I wasn't a really big fan of the VMAs this year, they were kind of dry but there were a few monumental moments that made up for it. Here are my favorite VMA moments.\

Beyonce Preggers!!!!!!!!

I have been praying to the sun gods right along with Jay-Z for this moment!!!!! I missed the live pre-show so I was floored during the performance when she did the whole belly rub thing. I was able to catch the pre-show on DVR as well as get hold to some pictures of the beautiful Beyonce and her little baby bump. Beyonce had been hinting around about starting a family for a while. I raised an eyebrow when the September issue of InStyle came out and she said she would like to take some time out for her "family". I wonder what the baby's name will be. Well if Jay has a duaghter he said he would name her Brooklyn Carter (Hello Brooklyn). Hopefully the baby takes completely after Bey, because pretty much goes unsaid. I can't wait to see the baby pictures. Long time coming!!!!!

Gaga Can't Make It To First Base With Britney
Gaga's male alter-ego couldn't get a kiss from Britney while she was accepting her award. Britney who is known for kissing other women while onstage was not having that this year, and completely pretended that she didn't realize that Lady Gaga was fishing for a kiss. A lot of people didn't notice this but I thought it was the funniest moment of the night.

Chris Brown Soars Over The Crowd
The best performance was definetly my favorite performance of the entire show!!!!! I mean the dancing, the flying over the crowd, the man's energy. It was something special. That flip he did in the air was almost as awesome as when Pink was singing on the trapeze during an awards show performance....almost.

Moments I Despised

Lil' Wayne
As I metioned before I wasn't a big fan of the entire show, but I hated Lil' Wayne's outfit and his performance. I mean WTF doesn't anybody think he is acting a little "crackish"? I love Lil' Wayne's music just as much as the next one, in fact I will be reviewing The Carter 4, but animal print skinny jeans and a guitar?
That shit cray

Kreayshawn's Crew v. Rick Ross' Crew
This is a little tidbit that I just learned. Apparently Ross' crew was a little heated about some shots that Kreay- Kreay and decided to confront her live and in person backstage at the VMAs. I'm not sure who was who or what was what but there were guys yelling and pushing, Kreayshawn tried to be a little gangsta, and police were involved. Meanwhile the Boss stayed to the sideline while his goons handled Kreayshawn's posse. Hey Kreayshawn, it's not a good idea for a little tiny girl to diss a big black guy.
#Imjustsaying, sometimes things get realer than expected.

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